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The initial acupuncture treatment includes a full medical history and discussion of your care as well ass the actual treatment. It generally takes an hour and a half, sometimes longer. Follow up sessions include a consideration on any changes in your condition and treatment. They usually last about an hour. During an acupuncture treatment Manning will make use of other modalites as needed, including essential oils, cupping, moxibustion, and some message. 

Initial session $125

Follow up session $80

Essential Oil Treatment

An essential oil treatment can be very beneficial for people wanting to work on deep emotional issues. Manning applies an array of essential oils to specific acupuncture points for a unique treatment that is deeper and more effective than simple aromatherapy. The first session includes a full intake as in acupuncture treatment and lasts 60-75 minutes. Following ups last approximately 40-50 minutes.  

Initial session $100

Follow up session $70

Herbal Consultation 

Manning has an herbal pharmacy of some 200 herbs with which he can make customized formulas for his patients. The initial consultation and intake doesn't include the cost of the herbs. 

Initial session $65

Herbal formula 

Range from $15-$25 for an 8-10 day supply


Cupping is often the component of a full acupuncture session, but can be done as a stand alone treatment. 

Initial assessment and treatment $60

Follow up session $40

*Please note Manning is always willing to work with patients who may have difficulty meeting the cost of a given treatment. Please do not hesitate to talk with Manning if this is your situation. 

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